Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chow Mein

Sei que existem várias maneiras de se fazer Chow Mein / Yakisoba. Eu criei a minha de acordo com meu gosto. O bacana desse prato é que você pode fazer adaptações, incluindo ou excluindo os ingredientes de acordo com o gosto pessoal. :)
Chow Mein de carne de porco, frango, camarão e vegetais
2 filés de carne de porco cortado em cubos
1 peito de frango cortado em cubos
3 colheres de azeite
pimenta do reino e temperos a vontade (eu usei alho com ervas em pó)
camarão descascado e limpo (eu uso o congelado que vem limpo)
vegetais (eu usei pacote de vegetais congelados especial para pratos orientais com brocolis, baby corn (milho), champignons, vagem, cenoura, pimentão, etc)
macarrão (pode ser espaguete fino ou mesmo os orientais)
molho Teriyaki
Eu frito/refogo a carne de porco e de frango juntas no azeite, até ficarem douradas (cerca de uns 5 minutos) em fogo médio. Se perceber que vai pegar no fundo da panela, vá pingando água. No meio tempo cozinho o macarrão al dente. Quando a carne estiver dourada e macia, acrescento o camarão (já descongelado, qdo uso o congelado). Refogo por mais alguns minutos. Acrescento os vegetais e mexo por alguns minutos mais. Junto o macarrão cozido e escorrido e vou acrescentando o Teriyaki a gosto.
Se for usar vegetais frescos na receita, cozinhe eles al dente antes de misturá-los às carnes. Você pode usar molho Shoyo ao invés do Teriyaki. Ambos são a base de soja, mas usei o Teriyaki pq dizia na embalagem que continha menos sódio. :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Italian Breakfast Skewers

Esse também ficou bom e é super fácil. Troquei a pancetta por um presunto leve e acrescentei mushroom. Pesadíssimo (no meu ponto de vista) para um café da manhã. Ótimo para servir numa reunião de amigos. Mas ai é questão de gosto. :)

8 bamboo skewers, soaked in water for 30 minutes
1/2 pound sweet Italian sausage, cut into 2-inch pieces
1 red pepper, cored and cut into 1-inch squares
1/4 pound pancetta, cubed
1/2 cup pineapple cubes, fresh or canned
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
Thread the skewers starting with the sausage, then the red pepper, then the pancetta, then the pineapple. Each skewer should have 2 of these sets. Continue with the rest of the skewers.
Arrange on a baking sheet and bake until golden brown on the edges and the pancetta is cooked through, about 25 minutes. Serve warm.

Bolo Invertido Caramelado de Pessego e Abacaxi

Minha amiga Flávia (ver blog By the Bay) testou com abacaxi e aprovou. Resolvi testar com pessego e abacaxi e tb aprovei...nham, nham. :) Porém é bom comer em seguida. Fiz apenas para nós 3 e sobrou muito. No outro dia é ainda gostoso, mas muito melhor comendo no dia que se faz, na temperatura ambiente ou mesmo morninho.
Alterei um pouco a receita. Coloquei primeiro as frutas na forma e depois o caramelo por cima. Fui fazer a massa enquanto o caramelo esfriava. Quando coloquei a massa o caramelo já estava mais frio. :)

3 ovos
100 gr de margarina
1 1/2 xícara de açúcar
2 xícaras de farinha de trigo
1/2 xícara de leite
1 colher (sopa) de fermento em pó
1 xícara de açúcar
½ xícara de água
4 bananas prata
Modo de preparo:
Bater no liquidificador os ovos, açúcar, margarina e o leite por 2 minutos ou até ficar bem homogêneo, em seguida coloque a farinha aos poucos sempre ligando e desligando o liquidificador apenas para misturar. Por último coloque o fermento e novamente ligue o liquidificador para misturar.
Leve ao fogo o açúcar misturado com a água numa panelinha ou caneca e NÃO MEXA (pois vai açucarar a calda se mexer). Deixe ferver até que fique na cor de caramelo. Despeje numa forma de 24 ou 25 cm de diâmetro x 5 cm de altura. Deixe secar até que fique bem durinho, não é necessário esperar esfriar. Corte as bananas ao comprido em 3 fatias e espalhe em cima do caramelo. Reserve.
Assim que a massa ficar pronta, despeje na forma (que já está com o caramelo e as bananas).
Asse em forno médio por 25 minutos aproximadamente.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Aqui vai a foto dos amigos...

...reclamando com fome por terem que esperar o Emerson tirar as fotos dos pratos...rsrs. :)

Almoço com amigos

Nesse final de semana (8/Mar) convidei alguns amigos para almoçar em casa. A etiqueta diz que nunca devemos testar receitas com convidados. Mas quem disse que a gente deve sempre seguir regras de etiqueta??? O que vale é ser feliz. :) Então falei para meus amigos virem com a mente aberta, porque iriam servir de cobaias...rsrsrs. Eles me disseram que amaram tudo. Só não tenho certeza se eles estavam ou não seguindo as regras de etiqueta...kkkk. De qq forma foi ótimo tê-los em casa. :)

Aqui vão as receitas de ontem.

Tomato Bruschetta

Corte o pão de sua escolha na diagonal (eu usei French Bread - imaginem um paozinho francês do tamanho de uma bengala). Pincele azeite e coloque no forno 200 graus por uns 5 minutos (não deixe tostar muito). Retire do forno e coloque pedaços de mussarela sobre o pão. Retorne ao forno para o queijo derreter. Faça um vinagrete de tomate, folhas de manjericão fresco, vinagre balsâmico, sal e pimenta do reino. Sirva o pão com o vinagrete sobre o queijo. É uma ótima entrada para servir junto com uma salada básica. :)

Chicken Tetrazzini

Recipe by Giada De Laurentiis


9 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons olive oil
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
2 1/4 teaspoons salt
1 1/4 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
1 pound white mushrooms, sliced
1 large onion, finely chopped
5 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme leaves
1/2 cup dry white wine
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
4 cups whole milk, room temperature
1 cup heavy whipping cream, room temperature
1 cup chicken broth
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
12 ounces linguine
3/4 cup frozen peas
1/4 cup chopped fresh Italian parsley leaves
1 cup grated Parmesan
1/4 cup dried Italian-style breadcrumbs
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.
Spread 1 tablespoon of butter over a 13 by 9 by 2-inch baking dish. Melt 1 tablespoon each of butter and oil in a deep large nonstick frying pan over medium-high heat. Sprinkle the chicken with 1/2 teaspoon each of salt and pepper. Add the chicken to the hot pan and cook until pale golden and just cooked through, about 4 minutes per side. Transfer the chicken to a plate to cool slightly. Coarsely shred the chicken into bite-size pieces and into a large bowl.
Meanwhile, add 1 tablespoon each of butter and oil to the same pan. Add the mushrooms and saute over medium-high heat until the liquid from the mushrooms evaporates and the mushrooms become pale golden, about 12 minutes. Add the onion, garlic, and thyme, and saute until the onion is translucent, about 8 minutes. Add the wine and simmer until it evaporates, about 2 minutes. Transfer the mushroom mixture to the bowl with the chicken.
Melt 3 more tablespoons butter in the same pan over medium-low heat. Add the flour and whisk for 2 minutes. Whisk in the milk, cream, broth, nutmeg, remaining 1 3/4 teaspoons salt, and remaining 3/4 teaspoon pepper. Increase the heat to high. Cover and bring to a boil. Simmer, uncovered, until the sauce thickens slightly, whisking often, about 10 minutes.
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the linguine and cook until it is tender but still firm to the bite, stirring occasionally, about 9 minutes. Drain. Add the linguine, sauce, peas, and parsley to the chicken mixture. Toss until the sauce coats the pasta and the mixture is well blended.
Transfer the pasta mixture to the prepared baking dish. Stir the cheese and breadcrumbs in a small bowl to blend. Sprinkle the cheese mixture over the pasta. Dot with the remaining 3 tablespoons of butter. Bake, uncovered, until golden brown on top and the sauce bubbles, about 25 minutes.

Breakfeast Pizza (batizada por mim de Berries Pizza)
Recipe by Giada De Laurentiis

Observações: Não achei o mascarpone no mercado próximo de casa. Resolvi trocá-lo por cream cheese e na troca peguei cream cheese sabor morango pq achei que tinha tudo a ver com a receita. Não usei o limão e nem o creme de leite fresco. Ficou bom. Na próxima tentativa vou usar o mascarpone pra ver a diferença. :)

1 storebought pizza dough
2 tablespoons butter, melted
4 tablespoons Cinnamon-Sugar, divided, recipe follows
2 cups mascarponecheese
1 tablespoon heavy cream
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon lemon zest (from 1 lemon)
2 cups mixed berries
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Using a rolling pin, roll out the pizza dough to a thickness of about 1/4 inch. Transfer the pizza dough to the lined baking sheet and brush the dough with the melted butter. Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons Cinnamon-Sugar and bake until golden brown, about 10 to 15 minutes. Cool the pizza crust on a wire rack.
Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, mix together the cheese, cream, lemon juice, and zest.
Spread the cheese mixture over the cooled crust. Top with mixed berries and sprinkle with the remaining Cinnamon-Sugar. Slice like a pizza and serve.
1 vanilla bean
1/2 cup sugar
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
Cut the vanilla bean in half, lengthwise. Using the back of a knife, scrape along the inside of the vanilla bean to collect the seeds. Scrape vanilla bean seeds into a small bowl. Add sugar and cinnamon and stir to combine. Set aside in a small serving bowl.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Salad with Warm Goat Cheese

Recipe by Ina Garten (Barefoot Contessa) tested on March 4th, 2009

3 or 4 fresh small goat cheeses (crottins)
8 slices country white bread
Good olive oil
Salad greens for 4 salads
Green Salad Vinaigrette (recipe below)
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.
2. Cut each goat cheese round horizontally into 2 or 3 half-inch slices. Place bread on a baking sheet, brush lightly with olive oil, and place a slice of goat cheese on each piece. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes, until bread is toasted and cheese is warm.
3. Meanwhile, place salad greens in a large bowl and toss with enough Green Salad Vinaigrette to moisten. Divide the salad among 4 lunch plates. Place 2 slices of toasted bread on each salad, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and serve. Makes 4 salads.
Green Salad Vinaigrette: In a small bowl, whisk together the 3 tablespoons champagne vinegar or white wine vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard, 1/2 teaspoon minced fresh garlic, 1 extra-large egg yolk, at room temperature, 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt and 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper. While whisking, slowly add the 1/2 cup good olive oil until the vinaigrette is emulsified.
Egg Swap: Ina makes her Green Salad Vinaigrette with a fresh raw egg yolk for a wonderfully creamy dressing. If you are concerned about the safety of using a raw egg yolk, use 2 tablespoons refrigerated or frozen egg product, thawed, in place of the yolk. The yolk can be omitted altogether, but the dressing will be less rich and creamy.

Pea Soup

Recipe by Ina Garten (Barefoot Contessa) tested on March 4th, 2009

2 Tbsp. unsalted butter
2 cups chopped leeks, white and light green parts (2 leeks)
1 cup chopped yellow onion
4 cups chicken stock, preferably homemade (recipe below)
5 cups freshly shelled peas or 2 (10-oz.) packages frozen peas
2/3 cup chopped fresh mint leaves, loosely packed
2 tsp. kosher salt
1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup crème fraiche
1/2 cup chopped fresh chives
Garlic croutons, for serving
1. Heat butter in a large saucepan, add the leeks and onion, and cook over medium-low heat for 5 to 10 minutes, until onion is tender. Add the chicken stock, increase heat to high, and bring to a boil. Add the peas and cook for 3 to 5 minutes, until peas are tender. (Frozen peas will take only 3 minutes.) Remove from heat, add the mint, salt, and pepper.
2. Purée soup in batches: Place 1 cup of soup in a blender, place lid on top, and purée on low speed. With blender still running, open the vent hole in the lid and slowly add more soup until blender is three-quarters full. Pour puréed soup into a large bowl and repeat until all the soup is puréed. Whisk in the créme fraiche and chives and taste for seasoning. Serve hot with garlic croutons. Makes 6 servings.
Chicken Stock: Place 3, 5-pound whole roasting chickens, 3 large yellow onions, unpeeled and quartered, 6 carrots, unpeeled, halved, 4 celery stalks with leaves, cut in thirds, 4 parsnips, unpeeled, cut in half (if using), 20 springs fresh flat-leaf parsley, 15 sprigs fresh thyme, 20 sprigs fresh dill, 1 head garlic, unpeeled, cut in half crosswise, 2 tablespoons kosher salt, and 2 teaspoons whole black peppercorns in a 16- to 20-quart stockpot. Add 7 quarts water and bring to a boil. Simmer uncovered for 4 hours. Strain the entire contents of the pot through a colander and discard the solids. Pack in quart containers and chill overnight. Refrigerate for up to 5 days or freeze for up to 6 months.

Monday, March 2, 2009

De volta ao básico...

Não é todo dia que temos tempo para fazer risoto ou cordeiro para o jantar. Eu mesma nunca tinha feito cordeiro na minha vida. Mesmo porque são receitas com um custo um pouco maior e que reservamos para as ocasiões especiais. Para o dia-a-dia, nós queremos na verdade receitas rápidas e baratas, certo?
Então, aqui vão algumas receitas para dar início ao objetivo maior desse blog: ajudar a escolher uma receita rápida e barata (dentro do possível) para o jantar (ou mesmo almoço).
Ainda não tive tempo de traduzir as receitas, mas faço assim que possível. A receita de chicken parmesan não é nada além do que nosso filé de frango empanado. Alguns ingredientes talvez façam a diferença no sabor, tal como a farinha de rosca temperada. Esse tipo de coisa não sei se é facilmente encontrada no Brasil, por exemplo, mas nada que não dê para improvisar. Se tiver alguma dúvida é só perguntar.
Um grande abraço

Parmesan Chicken

Recipe by Ina Garten (Barefoot Contessa) tested on March 2nd, 2009

6 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 tsp. kosher salt
1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
2 extra-large eggs
1-1/4 cups seasoned dry bread crumbs
1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese, plus extra for serving
Unsalted butter
Good olive oil
Salad greens for 6, washed and spun dry
Lemon Vinaigrette (recipe below)
1. Pound chicken breasts until they are 1/4 inch thick. You can use either a meat mallet or a rolling pin.
2. Combine the flour, salt, and pepper on a dinner plate. On a second plate, beat the eggs with 1 tablespoon of water. On a third plate, combine the bread crumbs and 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese. Coat chicken breasts on both sides with flour mixture, then dip both sides into egg mixture and dredge both sides in bread crumb mixture, pressing lightly.
3. Heat 1 tablespoon of butter and 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a large sauté pan and cook 2 or 3 chicken breasts on medium-low heat for 2 to 3 minutes on each side, until cooked through. Add more butter and oil and cook the rest of the chicken breasts. Toss the salad greens with Lemon Vinaigrette. Place a mound of salad on each hot chicken breast. Serve with extra grated Parmesan. Makes 6 servings.
Lemon Vinaigrette:In a small bowl, whisk together the 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (2 lemons), 1/2 cup good olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, and 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper.

Pudim de Maria Mole


1 lata de creme de leite
1 lata de leite condensado
1 caixinha de maria mole de coco
1 medida da lata de leite

Modo de Preparo
Bater no liquidificador o creme de leite e o leite condensado
Dissolver o pó da maria mole em um copo de água fervente
Acrescentar todos os ingredientes no liquidificador e bater por mais 5 minutos
Despejar em uma forma de pudim ou um refratário
Levar a geladeira por 4 horas e servir.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Risotto with Lamb

Spring Green Risotto

Recipe by Ina Garten (Barefoot Contessa) tested on March 1st, 2009

1-1/2 Tbsp. good olive oil
1-1/2 Tbsp. unsalted butter
3 cups chopped leeks, white and light green parts (2 leeks)
1 cup chopped fennel
1-1/2 cups Arborio rice
2/3 cup dry white wine
4 to 5 cups simmering chicken stock, preferably homemade
1 lb. thin asparagus
10 oz. frozen peas, defrosted, or 1-1/2 cups shelled fresh peas
1 Tbsp. freshly grated lemon zest (2 lemons)
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 Tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/3 cup mascarpone cheese, preferably Italian
1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese, plus extra for serving
3 Tbsp. minced fresh chives, plus extra for serving
1. Heat olive oil and butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add the leeks and fennel and sauté for 5 to 7 minutes, until tender. Add the rice and stir for a minute to coat with the oil, butter, and vegetables. Add the white wine and simmer over low heat, stirring constantly, until most of the wine has been absorbed. Add the chicken stock, 2 ladles at a time, stirring almost constantly and waiting for the stock to be absorbed before adding more. This process should take 25 to 30 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, cut asparagus diagonally in 1-1/2-inch lengths and discard tough ends. Blanch in boiling salted water for 4 to 5 minutes, until al dente. Drain and cool immediately in ice water. (If using fresh peas, blanch them in the boiling water for a few minutes until the starchiness is gone.)
3. When risotto has been cooked for 15 minutes, drain the asparagus and add to the risotto with the peas, lemon zest, 2 teaspoons salt, and 1 teaspoon pepper. Continue cooking and adding stock, stirring almost constantly, until rice is tender but still firm.
4. Whisk the lemon juice and mascarpone together in a small bowl. When the risotto is done, turn off heat and stir in the mascarpone mixture plus the Parmesan cheese and chives. Set aside off heat for a few minutes, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and serve hot with a sprinkling of chives and more Parmesan cheese. Makes 4 dinner/6 appetizers servings.

Rack of Lamb

Recipe by Ina Garten (Barefoot Contessa) tested on March 1st, 2009

1-1/2 Tbsp. kosher salt
2 Tbsp. minced fresh rosemary
3 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 cup Dijon mustard
1 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar
2 racks of lamb, "frenched" (see below)
1. In bowl of a food processor fitted with a steel blade, process the salt, rosemary, and garlic until they're as finely minced as possible. Add the mustard and balsamic vinegar and process for 1 minute.
2. Place the lamb in a roasting pan with the ribs curving down, and coat the tops with the mustard mixture. Allow to stand for 1 hour at room temperature.
3. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.
4. Roast lamb for exactly 20 minutes for rare or 25 minutes for medium-rare. Remove from oven and cover with aluminum foil. Allow to sit for 15 minutes, then cut into individual ribs and serve. Makes 6 servings.
5. Frenching is the technique of cutting meat away from the top of a rib or chop before cooking to expose part of the bone. Ask your butcher to trim and french the rack for you. If a butcher is unavailable, follow these steps for presentation-worthy chops: Remove the thick layer of fat from bone side of rack by pulling it away with your hands and using a thin sharp knife to cut through the end; discard. (Bits of lean meat within the fat layer can be frozen for soup.) Remove meat between the ribs to 1 to 2 inches of the eye of the meat by cutting down and up along the bones. Scrape remaining bits of meat from the bone.

Chicken Marsala

Recipe by Emeril Lagasse, tested on March 1st, 2009

1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon Essence, recipe follows
2 (6 to 8-ounce) boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut in halves and pounded thin
1 tablespoon olive oil

4 tablespoons butter
3 cups sliced mushrooms (cremini, oyster, shiitake)
3/4 cup Marsala
1 cup chicken stock
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Chopped chives, for garnish
In a shallow bowl or plate combine the flour and Essence and stir to combine thoroughly. Quickly dredge the chicken breast halves in the seasoned flour mixture, shaking to remove any excess flour.
Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat until very hot but not smoking. Add 1 tablespoon of the butter and cook the chicken breasts until golden brown on both sides, about 3 minutes per side. Transfer to a plate and set aside. Add 1 tablespoon of the remaining butter to the pan and add the mushrooms. Cook, stirring frequently, until mushrooms are golden brown around the edges and have given off their liquid. Add the Marsala wine and bring to a boil, scraping to remove any browned bits from the bottom of the pan. When the wine has reduced by half, add the chicken stock and cook for 3 minutes, or until the sauce has thickened slightly. Lower the heat to medium and return the chicken breasts to the pan and continue to cook until they are cooked through and the sauce has thickened, about 5 to 6 minutes. Swirl in the remaining 2 tablespoons of butter, add salt and pepper, to taste. Garnish with chopped chives and serve immediately.
Essence (Emeril's Creole Seasoning):
2 1/2 tablespoons paprika
2 tablespoons salt
2 tablespoons garlic powder
1 tablespoon black pepper
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 tablespoon cayenne pepper
1 tablespoon dried leaf oregano
1 tablespoon dried thyme
Combine all ingredients thoroughly and store in an airtight jar or container.
Yield: about 2/3 cup

Let's Cook Together?

Sempre tive afinidade com a cozinha. Pra mim, cozinhar é mais que uma necessidade. É uma arte. E pode ser mais divertido do que muitos possam imaginar. Descobrir novos sabores e aromas, criando pratos saudáveis e bonitos foi o que me fez ter a cozinha como hobby.
Hoje decidi criar esse blog para registrar e dividir receitas. A idéia é ter um arquivo pessoal com receitas testadas para aqueles dias que não sei o que cozinhar para o jantar (sim, isso também acontece com quem gosta de cozinhar) e, ao mesmo tempo, dividir com as pessoas as receitas que testei e aprovei.
Espero que curtam o espaço, pois com certeza vou curtir montá-lo.
Bom apetite!!
PS- Vou tentar meu melhor ao traduzir as receitas para o português e vice-versa. :)